The 'Grüne Schule'

The 'Grüne Schule' (green school) offers guided tours and workshops for groups from kindergartens, schools and after-school care centres. There are also offers for adults. Find out more about the 'Grüne Schule'.

Wednesday tours

Would you like to satisfy your thirst for knowledge? Then you are welcome to visit our Wednesday tours! Researchers and experts present the treasures of our Garden, demonstrate research findings and provide deeper insights into the relevant topic in the framework of exhibitions and events.

  • Every Wednesday, 16:30. Dates see below.

Duration: approx. 60 minutes per tour

 Terms 2024 (tours in German only)

We, 08. May Gartenschätze
Neuzugänge im Botanischen Garten
Barbara Knickmann
We, 15. May Gartenschätze
Geschichte(n) aus dem Botanischen Garten
Michael Kiehn
We, 22. May Forschung aktuell
Siegrun Gerlach
We, 29. May Gartenschätze
Florian Etl
We, 05. June Ausstellung
Quit nature
Claudia Dölcher & Bruno Pisek
We, 12. June Forschung aktuell
Historische Gartenkultur in und um den Botanischen Garten
Eva Berger
We, 19. June Ausstellung
Fabelhafte Fabaceae
Barbara Knickmann
We, 26. June Forschung aktuell
David Prehsler
We, 10. July Forschung aktuell
Heimische Pflanzen und ihre exotischen Pflanzen
Manfred A. Fischer
We, 24. July Gartenschätze
Lamiales – Salbei und Verwandte
Michael Münch
We, 07. August Forschung aktuell
Artenschutz in Botanischen Gärten
David Bröderbauer
We, 21. August Forschung aktuell
Pollen – erstaunliche Schönheit, verblüffende Vielfalt
Silvia Ulrich
We, 04. September Forschung aktuell
Pilze im Botanischen Garten
Herrmann Voglmayr
We, 11. September Forschung aktuell
Hülsenfrüchte – Hype oder nachhaltiges Grundnahrungsmittel
Claudia Angele & Jürgen König
We, 18. September Gartenschätze
Vielfaltsgärtnern im Herbst
Alena Binder
We, 25. September Forschung aktuell
Harald Zechmeister
We, 02. October Gartenschätze
Frank Schumacher

Weekend tours

Every week on Friday and Saturday from beginning of March until end of October!*

  • Friday at 15:00 (English), 16:00 (German)
  • Saturday at 15:00 (English), 16:00 (German)

Duration: approx. 60 minutes per tour

* No guided tours on public holidays and during the rare plants fair in April.
  On Saturday, 25.5., there is no weekend tour in English.

Family tours

Our younger visitors can learn about exciting topics during the guided tour for families. The tour covers a variety of examples from the programme of the 'Grüne Schule', ranging from plant hunters to plants from the age of dinosaurs. These garden highlights amaze both young and old.

Every Sunday from beginning of March to end of October!

  • Sunday at 15:00 - in German only!

Duration: approx. 60 minutes per tour

* No guided tours on public holidays and during the rare plants fair in April.

Online-Ticket reservation


Guided tours for private groups can be booked at any time. In addition to the classical Garden tour, you can also book a range of different themed tours.

For further information about our tour offers, please visit the website of the 'Grüne Schule' (in German) or contact us (; +43 1 4277–56401, Monday–Friday 9:00–14:00).

Registration and Costs


For some of our guided tours advance registration is necessary.

Wednesday tour (german only): no registration necessary

Family tour (german only): registration necessary

Weekend tour: no registration necessary

Groups: upon request (; +43 1 4277–56401, Monday–Friday 9:00–14:00).

For further questions please contact +43 1 4277–56401 (Monday–Friday 9:00–14:00).


  • Adults: € 5,--
  • Discounted: € 3,-- (for students, pupils, conscripts, senior citizens)
  • Free of charge: Children (< 6 years) and members of the society "Freunde des Botanischen Gartens"
  • Family tour: with the Kinderaktivcard: Adults € 3,--; pupils € 1,--
  • Private groups (max. 30 persons): € 60
  • Schools: Guided tour (1h) € 45,- | Workshop (2 h) € 80,- [The "Grüne Schule"]

 There is no entrance fee for the Botanical Garden.

Meeting point and cash desk

The meeting point for our tours is in front of the garden porter's lodge at the main entrance of the Botanical Garden/Mechelgasse 2, 1030 Vienna.