Rare Plants Fair in the Botanical Garden


Friday, 11. April–Sunday, 13. April 2025, 9:30–18:00

Raritätenbörse - © BGUW_R. Hromniak

Raritätenbörse - © BGUW_R. Hromniak

Raritätenbörse - © BGUW_R. Hromniak

With the start of the gardening season, every April the Rare Plants Fair invites plant lovers and garden enthusiasts to the Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna. From Friday to Sunday visitors have the opportunity to buy extraordinary rare plants, which are beyond the range of common plant assortments, for their garden, balcony or raised bed.

Anything that greens and sprouts

Numerous suppliers of selected rare plants and special assortments participate again this year, and are available to provide expert advice. Plant enthusiasts will find everything their heart desires, ranging from wild flowers, vegetable plants, perennials and woody plants to roses, cacti and orchids.

The Botanical Garden's Grüne Schule (green school) and the school HLUW Yspertal offer an exciting, interactive programme for children, inviting them to explore plants.

Several food stands cater to your culinary wishes, pampering your taste buds with various specialities.

With the entrance fee to the Rare Plants Fair, you support the Botanical Garden and contribute to the development of new programmes for visitors of the Grüne Schule. The University of Vienna is looking forward to your visit.

Rare Plants Fair at the Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna

Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna, Mechelgasse/Praetoriusgasse, 1030 Vienna


  • Main entrance (Mechelgasse/Praetoriusgasse)
  • Jacquin-Tor (Jacquingasse)
  • Entrance Alpengarten (Oberes Belvedere)
  • Reitertor (passage Belvederegarten)

For the duration of the Rare Plants Fair, you can visit parts of the Botanical Garden for free, using the entrance Alpengarten/Oberes Belvedere.

Entrance fee 2025

Day pass € 6,50 (reduced fee: € 5,00)
2-day pass € 9,50 (reduced fee: € 7,00)

The main cash desk opens at 9:15 (no debit card payment, cash only)

Discounts*: Senior citizens, members of the ÖGG and Arche Noah, people with a valid disabled person's pass and registered accompanying persons, alumni of the University of Vienna, students, apprentices, soldiers and people in compulsory paid community service until the age of 27 years

Free admission*: Children and adolescents up until the age of 18, students and employees of the University of Vienna, members of the society "Freunde des Botanischen Gartens"

*appropriate ID cards required

How to find us

City train: Stops "Rennweg" and "Quartier Belvedere"
Tramway: 71, O
By car: We do not recommend using the car to visit the Botanical Garden, as there are hardly any parking options in the vicinity. Friday and Saturday: short-term parking zone.
