PalArt for PalDat

Art from Scientists for Science

Ausstellung "PalArt" im Kalthaus des Botanischen Gartens © U. Schachner

Auf Entdeckungsreise – Doronicum clusii (2018) Druck auf Alu - Foto: H. Halbritter, koloriert: S. Ulrich

Über dem Horizont (2019), Acryl auf Leinwand - P. Brodaric

Morina (2015), Acryl auf Leinwand - S. Ulrich

Morina (2015), Acryl auf Leinwand - S. Ulrich

Energie (2017), Acryl, Collage auf Leinwand - U. Schachner

In fine arts and painting interested members of the Department of Structural and Functional Botany of the University of Vienna have founded PalArt (

Painting is not "just for fun" but we support with the sales revenue the worldwide largest database on pollen in the internet: PalDat.
PalDat is available free of charge in the Internet at

Every summer a sale exhibition takes place in the glasshouse of the Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna.