Tropical house, Victoria basin and display vitrines
Tropical greenhouse © Yannik Steer
Tropical greenhouse © BGUW_R. Hromniak
Conophytum wettsteinii © R. Chizzola
Victoria-basin © Yannik Steer
Victoria © BGUW_R. Hromniak
Display vitrine with carnivorous plants © Yannik Steer
The tropical house is the only glasshouse open fort he public all year long. Here, useful tropical plants and species characteristic of tropical rainforests are cultivated. Orchids of the genus Bulbophyllum along the rear wall of the glasshouse are one of our highlights. The Botanical Garden maintains one of the largest Bulbophyllum collections worldwide.
In front of the tropical house several display vitrines show plants from warm climates. In the orchid display vitrine we exhibit and regularly exchange selected orchid species during the summer months.
Another display vitrine presents the collection of bromeliads at the Botanical Garden, which consists of about 1,000 species from more than 50 genera. Bromeliads are indigenous to the American continent from the tropical regions to regions with Mediterranean climate. Only one species – Pitcairnia feliciana – is found in tropical West Africa.
The plants presented in the succulents' display vitrine are representatives of different plant families from arid regions in Africa. They have adapted in typical ways to conditions such as heat and water scarcity: the number of leaves is often reduced and the stems store water.
Every year during summer we cultivate one of the two species of Victoria in the Victoria-basin. The flowers bloom for only two or three days, after which they sink into the water. In autumn, when air temperatures drop below 20 °C, the plants die off and will be replaced by new specimens the following year. In winter the basin is empted and used for growing seedlings of other plants.