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ConservePlants Core Group (2020). ConservePlants – a newly established network for the conservation of European threatened plants. A regional contribution to GSPC implementation. BGJournal, 17(2), 47-49.
Rasl, T., Schalk, M., Temsch, E., & Kodym, A. (2020). Direct cryoconservation of winter-acclimated buds of Dracocephalum austriacum (Lamiaceae) from field material. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 142, 167-176.
Socher, S., Berg, C., Knickmann, B., & Kiehn, M. (2020). GSPC Target 8 and ex-situ collections/Seed banking activities by the Austrian Botanical Gardens. BGJournal, 17(2), 42-43.
Kiehn, M., & Berger, A. (2020). Neotropical Rubiaceae: Synthesis of chromosome data from Costa Rican taxa, with insights on the systematics of the family. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 105, 423-458.
Sharrock, S. (Hrsg.), & Kiehn, M. (2020). Plant Conservation Report 2020: A review of progress in implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation 2011-2020. A contribution to the fifth edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO-5). . in S. Sharrock (Hrsg.), CBD Technical Series (Band 95). Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montréal, Canada.
Buchinger, D., & Kiehn, M. (2020). Samenkataloge aus dem frühen 19. Jahrhundert an der Universität Wien als Indikatoren von Vernetzungen beim Aufbau wissenschaftlicher Sammlungen. in J. Seidl, & I. Kästner (Hrsg.), Tauschen und Schenken. Wissenschaftliche Sammlungen als Resultat europäischer Zusammenarbeit.: Europäische Wissenschaftsbeziehungen. (Band 20, S. 181-196). Shaker.
Kiehn, M., Bröderbauer, D., Rose, M., Schumacher, F., Rauchberger, N., & Schlag-Edler, B. (2020). The Botanicum: New options for science education and public outreach at the Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna. in M. D. Espírito-Santo, A. L. Soares, & M. Veloso (Hrsg.), Botanic Gardens, People and Plants for a Sustainable World: following the 8th Eurogard Congress held in Lisboa, May 7th-11th 2018 (S. 139-144). IsaPress, Lisbon.
Hämmerle, L., Lampert, P., & Kiehn, M. (2020). Using flower models of Fabaceae to teach pollination and coevolution. Roots, 17, 26-28.
Bröderbauer, D., Rauchberger, N., & Kiehn, M. (2019). Engaging pupils and teachers in science at the Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna. in Plants, People, PLanet Symposium
Galloway, A., Malkmus-Hussein, B., Prehsler, D., & Claudel, C. (2019). A new species of Amorphophallus (Araceae) from Thailand (Kanchanaburi Province). Aroideana : Journal of the International Aroid Society, 42(1), 70-75.
Galloway, A., Prehsler, D., & Claudel, C. (2019). Another new miniature Amorphophallus (Araceae) species from Laos, the land of dwarf voodoo lilies. Aroideana : Journal of the International Aroid Society, 42(1), 59-69.
Galloway, A., Luu, H. T., Malkmus-Hussein, B., Prehsler, D., & Claudel, C. (2019). Three New Species of Amorphophallus (Araceae) from Vietnam. Aroideana : Journal of the International Aroid Society, 42(1), 41-58.
Pany, P., Lörnitzo, A., Auleitner, L., Heidinger, C., Lampert, P., & Kiehn, M. (2019). Using students’ interest in useful plants to encourage plant vision in the classroom. Plants, People, Planet, 1(3), 261-270.
Lampert, P., Scheuch, M., Pany, P., Müllner, B., & Kiehn, M. (2019). Understanding students' conceptions of plant reproduction to better teach plant biology in schools. Plants, People, Planet, 1(3), 248-260.
Kiehn, M., & Lorence, D. H. (2019). New chromosome number reports for angiosperms native or introduced to Hawai‘i, with additional reports for Fiji and Samoa. Pacific Science: a quarterly devoted to the biological and physical sciences of the Pacific Region, 73(3), 411-420.
Tye, A., Caujapé-Castells, J., Moura, M., & Kiehn, M. (2019). The new IUCN Guidelines for invasive species planning and management on islands. 149. Island Biology, St. Denis, Frankreich.
Kiehn, M. (2019). Das Phänomen der Pflanzenblindheit („plant blindness“): Ursachen, Folgen und Gegenmaßnahmen. Blatt & Blüte, 2019(12), 6-7.
Lampert, P., Scheuch, M., & Kiehn, M. (2019). Wie pflanzen sich Pflanzen fort? Eine fachliche Klärung. Erkenntnisweg Biologiedidaktik, 2018, 9-25.
Lampert, P., Pany, P., Scheuch, M., Heidinger, C., Kiehn, M., & Kapelari, S. (2018). „Mehr als nur Bestäubung“: Schülervorstellungen zur Bestäubungsbiologie und deren Implikationen für den Unterricht. Biologie Lehren und Lernen - Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Biologie, 22(1), 64-79.
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